Breakthrough session

(90 minutes)

Got the bubblings of an idea you want to bring to life? Not quite sure where to go with it or what to do next? Struggling to make a decision or overcome a particular problem?

This bad-boy of a session cuts straight to the core of whatever you’re facing. Whether it be exploring a new side hustle, preparing to launch a revolutionary business idea or something you’d generally just love to create in your life - you’ll leave with clarity and focussed action steps towards creating your vision. Breakthrough into new levels of success, clarity and freedom. 

You’ll learn how to:

  • Solidify your ideas into a crystal clear vision with actionable steps

  • Harness the power of your intuition to birth your unique ideas into the world

  • Make choices and decisions aligned with your heart

  • Operate outside of your limiting beliefs to gain profound clarity

  • Create a focussed course of action to success


90 minute session face to face or via zoom

Book your FREE 20 minute discovery session now


'I’m here to help you connect with your creativity and give you confidence to share your gifts with the world.'